
Jessica Siobhan Frank

Tyler Robert Sheldon - Traumas

Cody Smith - Delta Summers

Annmarie O'Connell - hello,

Jane V. Blunschi - Understand Me, Sugar

Clare L. Martin - Seek the Holy Dark

Darrell Bourque - Where I Waited

Dayana Stetco - The Falling: A Trilogy

Christopher Lowe - You're the Tower

Jack Bedell - Elliptic

Elizabeth Burk - Snow Day Up North

Elizabeth Burk - Louisiana Purchase

Darrell Bourque - Admissions-Medical Records Clerk: Case No. 13387

Darrell Bourque - if you abandon me, comment je vas faire

Michael Shewmaker - Crop Circles/Harvest

Amy Watkins - Milk & Water

Ashley Mace Havird - Sleeping with Animals

William Kelley Woolfitt - Chorus Frog

Anthony Frame - Everything I Know I Learned from Lazarus

Toby Daspit - Bar Coasters

Katie Manning - I Awake in My Womb

Joel Ferdon - To the Belly and Back

Vision/Verse 2009-2013: An Anthology of Poetry

M. Rather, Jr. - Gorgon

Patrice Melnick - French Quarter Railings

Ashley Mace Havird - Sister Josephine Tells Your Future

Rodney Gomez - War Mural

Amy Fleury - Green Temple

S. B. Ferguson - Floriography

Kevin Dwyer - Time Marches On

Elizabeth Burk - Ticking

Maya Beerbower - But it will rain before morning

M. E. Silverman - Miracle Shoes

M. Rather, Jr. - Miracle

Patrice Melnick - Catalpa Tree

Ashley Mace Havird - Dirt Eaters

Rodney Gomez - Grackle

Amy Fleury - In Acadiana

S. B. Ferguson - Returning Home to

Kevin Dwyer - The Snow, the Crow, and the Blood

Elizabeth Burk - Watching Him Peel An Onion

Maya Beerbower - Eternal Return