Julie Kane

Julie Kane is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and a longtime resident of Louisiana. Her six books include three collections of poetry, one volume of non-fiction, and two edited anthologies. Her 2003 poetry collection, Rhythm & Booze, was Maxine Kumin's selection for the National Poetry Series and one of four finalists for the 2005 Poets' Prize. Her collection, Jazz Funeral, was judge David Mason's selection for the 2009 Donald Justice Poetry Prize.
Winner, 2013 Swan Scythe Press Chapbook Award
Semi-Finalist, 2013 Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Contest
Best of the Net Nomination, “The Hard Lines of Our Bodies” (Trigger - #2, 2012)
Best of the Net Nomination, “Rayville, LA, 1927” (Trigger - #1, 2011)
Finalist, Standing Rock Chapbook Contest, 2012
Rhysling Award Nomination, "28 Blackbirds at the End of the World," 2008
James Award Nomination, "Rhyme In Haiku," 2006
2010 - present
2010 - present
Also By This Poet
Flood (Swan Scythe Press, 2013)
Notes to a Husband (Imaginary Friend Press, 2013)
Lancelot (Lazy Mouse Press, 2013)
Night Fishing (Yellow Flag Press, 2011)
28 Blackbirds at the End of the World (Bandersnatch Books, 2010)
Aubade (Yellow Flag Press, 2009)
Counting Dust Devils: Early Season (Yellow Flag Press, 2009)