J. Bruce Fuller

J. Bruce Fuller is from Louisiana. His chapbooks are Flood, winner of the 2013 Swan Scythe Press Chapbook competition, Notes to a Husband (Imaginary Friend Press, 2013), Lancelot (Lazy Mouse Press, 2013), and 28 Blackbirds at the End of the World (Bandersnatch Books, 2010). He is also the editor of Vision/Verse 2009-2013: An Anthology of Poetry (Yellow Flag Press, 2013). His poems have appeared in Crab Orchard Review, Harpur Palate, Pembroke Magazine, burntdistrict, Tipton Poetry Journal, Yankee Pot Roast, Swamp Lily Review, Louisiana Review, JMWW, The Lilliput Review, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, as well as others.
He earned a B.A. in English from the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and a M.A in English and MFA in Poetry from McNeese State University, where he completed a critical translation of the Spanish poet Javier Lentini's book Invención del Otoño. He earned a PhD in creative writing from the University of Louisiana at Lafeyette. He has read poems and presented work at The Southern Writers/Southern Writing Conference at the University of Mississippi, The Louisiana Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, and at the Louisiana Studies Conference at Northwestern State University.
J. Bruce Fuller is a founding editor of Yellow Flag Press, and currently serves as editor/publisher.
Yellow Flag Press Titles
Vision/Verse 2009-2013: An Anthology of Poetry [Ed.] (Paperback, 2013)
Night Fishing (Broadside, 2011)
Aubade (Broadside, 2009)
Counting Dust Devils: Early Season (Broadside, 2009)
Winner, 2013 Swan Scythe Press Chapbook Award
Semi-Finalist, 2013 Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Contest
Best of the Net Nomination, “The Hard Lines of Our Bodies” (Trigger - #2, 2012)
Best of the Net Nomination, “Rayville, LA, 1927” (Trigger - #1, 2011)
Finalist, Standing Rock Chapbook Contest, 2012
Rhysling Award Nomination, "28 Blackbirds at the End of the World," 2008
James Award Nomination, "Rhyme In Haiku," 2006
2010 - present
2010 - present
Also By This Poet
The Dissenter's Ground (Hyacinth Girl Press, 2016)
Flood (Swan Scythe Press, 2013)
Notes to a Husband (Imaginary Friend Press, 2013)
Lancelot (Lazy Mouse Press, 2013)
28 Blackbirds at the End of the World (Bandersnatch Books, 2010)

Reading at Le Mot/The Word, Acadiana Center for the Arts