Lou Amyx
YFP-10 - Lou Amyx - Paint
YFP-17 - Lou Amyx - Roses
YFP-29 - Lou Amyx - Henna
YFP-39 - Lou Amyx - Night Orchid

Maya Beerbower
YFP-49 - Maya Beerbower - Reformation
YFP-51 - Maya Beerbower - Ex-voto
YFP-69 - Maya Beerbower - Dispersion of Light
YFP-79 - Maya Beerbower - Cross-Pollination
YFP-93 - Maya Beerbower - Eternal Return
YFP-103 - Maya Beerbower - But it will rain before morning

Jacob Blevins
YFP-25 - Jacob Blevins - Play
YFP-35 - Jacob Blevins - When They Dance

Steven Brown
YFP-07 - Steven Brown - Phototaxis
YFP-11 - Steven Brown - Consummation: A Doxology

Shelly Bryant
YFP-90 - Shelly Bryant - At the Phoenix Pagoda

Kolleen Carney
YFP-46 - Kolleen Carney - How a Pearl is Formed
YFP-61 - Kolleen Carney - Bluebird

William Lusk Coppage
YFP-08 - William Lusk Coppage - Proportions of Man
YFP-15 - William Lusk Coppage - Prayer to the Neon God
YFP-26 - William Lusk Coppage - Once in Mississippi the Moon Was Hidden
YFP-36 - William Lusk Coppage - A Mile Off the Highway
YFP-44 - William Lusk Coppage - Homecoming Game
YFP-54 - William Lusk Coppage - Playing War
YFP-64 - William Lusk Coppage - End of Days
YFP-72 - William Lusk Coppage - Borrowing Night From Day (Broadside)
YFP-82 - William Lusk Coppage - Blood and the Blade
YFP-85 - William Lusk Coppage - Borrowing Night from Day (Chapbook)

Rita D. Costello
YFP-30 - Rita D. Costello - after life
YFP-40 - Rita D. Costello -The Forwardness of Water
YFP-52 - Rita D. Costello - postcard one: Bowling Green, Ohio 1991
YFP-58 - Rita D. Costello - So Close to Never

Toby Daspit
YFP-116 - Toby Daspit - Bar Coasters

Kevin Dwyer
YFP-95 - Kevin Dwyer - The Snow, the Crow, and the Blood
YFP-105 - Kevin Dwyer - Time Marches On
YFP-130 - Kevin Dwyer - In Memoriam